It is done in a special atmosphere – faint light, candles and aromas, with special essential oils that are suitable for dry skin and headache. The massage improves the circulation.
A relaxing massage, during which essential oils and rose-blossom are used. It calms the nervous system and ensures harmony between the body and the spirit.
It is applied on the problem areas with special menthol oil or other curative medicines.
It is made on the reflexive points on the feet, based on a traditional Indian-Chinese treatment. It improve the circulation and ensure a power balance of the organism.
It is used to remove the piled toxics in the body,by lymph draining the circulation improves.
It is done before a physical activity in order to make the organism fresher and increase the muscular activity.
The most effective way to fight the cellulite. It restores the normal circulation of blood and lymph and removes the unnecessary heaping in the adipose cells
It is made in a Turkish bath with clay or coffee. It has a triple effect: the effect of the massage, the effect of the coffee or the clay and the term-effect of the Turkish bath.
It begins with a face pack Decleor, that stimulate the body to degrade the fat, makes the metabolism work faster. It continues with a massage on the areas with active anti-cellulite cream, that reduces the cellulite and smoothens the skin.
It begins by reflexology on the feet, it’s continued by a lymph-draining massage and ends with reflexology on the palms.
A massage, done by two therapeutists, using four hands with essential oils.
A strength-massage of the body, that includes different massage-skills and elements from the manual therapy, by hands or legs of one or two therapeutists.
In a Turkish bath with foam or clay
It begin by a cooling compress, continues by a soft lymph-draining massage on feet with calming gel, that reduces the tiredness. It’s suitable for varicose veins.
It include a face pack with a natural Bulgarian yoghurt and calming balsam.